June 4
Shiho Moriai
Trent Jaeger (PC Co-Chair)
Chair: Trent Jaeger (Penn State University)
Prof. Christopher Kruegel (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Title: Fighting Malicious Code - An Eternal Struggle
Biography: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~chris/
Session 1: Network
Chair: Ninghui Li (Purdue University)
1. Fabian Lanze, Andriy
Panchenko, Benjamin Braatz,
Thomas Engel.
Letting the Puss in Boots Sweat: Detecting Fake Access Points
using Dependency of Clock Skews on Temperature
2. Moreno Ambrosin, Mauro Conti, Paolo Gasti, Gene Tsudik.
Covert Ephemeral Communication in Named Data Networking
3. Guowu Xie, Huy Hang, Michalis Faloutsos.
Scanner Hunter:Understanding
HTTP Scanning Traffic
4. Hao Zhang, Danfeng
Yao, Naren Ramakrishnan.
Detection of Stealthy Malware Activities with Traffic Causality
and Scalable Triggering Relation Discovery
5. Georges Bossert, Frédéric
Guihéry, Guillaume Hiet.
Towards Automated Protocol Reverse Engineering Using Semantic
Session 2: Reputation and Location
Chair: Chen-Mou Cheng (Kyushu University)
1. Anupam Das, Nikita Borisov,
Prateek Mittal, Matthew Caesar.
Re^3: Relay Reliability Reputation for Anonymity Systems
2. Mahdi Nasrullah Al-Ameen,
Matthew Wright.
Persea: A
Sybil-Resistant Social DHT
3. Rasib Khan, Shams Zawoad,
Md Haque, Ragib Hasan.
OTIT: Towards Secure Provenance Modeling for Location Proofs
4. Jaroslav Šedĕnka, Paolo Gasti.
Privacy-Preserving Distance Computation and Proximity Testing on
Earth, Done Right
Session 3: Processing encrypted data
Chair: Sherman S.M. Chow (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
1. Boyang Wang, Yantian
Hou, Ming Li, Haitao
Wang, Hui Li.
Maple: Scalable Multi-Dimensional Range Search over Encrypted
Cloud Data with Tree-based Index
2. Dongxi Liu, Elisa Bertino,
Xun Yi.
Privacy of Outsourced k-Means Clustering
3. Muhammad Rizwan Asghar,
Ashish Gehani, Bruno Crispo,
Giovanni Russello.
PIDGIN: Privacy Preserving Interest and Content Sharing in
Opportunistic Networks
4. Jinsheng Zhang, Wensheng
Zhang, Daji Qiao.
S-ORAM: A Segmentation-based Oblivious RAM
5. Chengfang Fang, Ee-Chien
Differential Privacy with delta-Neighbourhood
for Spatial and Dynamic Datasets
June 5
Session 4: Applications 1
Chair: Yingjiu Li (Singapore Management
1. Davide Canali, Davide Balzarotti, Leyla
On The Effectiveness of Risk Prediction Based on Users Browsing
2. Ben Stock, Martin Johns.
Protecting Users Against XSS-based Password Manager Abuse
3. Manar Mohamed, Niharika
Sachdeva, Michael Georgescu,
Song Gao, Nitesh Saxena,
Chengcui Zhang, Ponnurangam
Kumaraguru, Paul C. Van Oorschot,
Wei-Bang Chen.
A Three-Way Investigation of a Game-CAPTCHA: Automated Attacks,
Relay Attacks and Usability
Session 5: Crypto
Chair: Robert Deng (Singapore Management University)
1. Janaka Alawatugoda,
Douglas Stebila, Colin Boyd.
Modelling After-the-fact Leakage for Key Exchange
2. Rong Jin, Xianru
Du, Zi Deng, Kai Zeng, Jing Xu.
Practical Secret Key Agreement for Full-Duplex Near Field
3. Alexandre Pinto, Bertram Poettering, Jacob Schuldt.
Multi-recipient Encryption, Revisited
4. Junzuo Lai, Robert Deng, Yingjiu
Li, Jian Weng.
Fully Secure Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with
Constant-Size Ciphertexts and Fast Decryption
5. Qingji Zheng, Wei Zhu, Jiafeng
Zhu, Xinwen Zhang.
Improved Anonymous Proxy Re-encryption with CCA Security
Session 6: Access Control and Flow Analysis
Chair: Rui Wang (Microsoft Research)
1. Mu Zhang, Heng Yin.
Efficient; Context-Aware Privacy Leakage Confinement for Android
Applications without Firmware Modding
2. Tobias Wuchner, Martin Ochoa, Alexander Pretschner.
Malware Detection with Quantitative Data Flow Graphs
3. Quoc-Sang Phan,
Pasquale Malacaria.
Abstract Model Counting: A Novel Approach for Quantification of
Information Leaks
4. Markus Miettinen, Stephan Heuser, Wiebke Kronz, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, N.Asokan.
ConXsense -
Automated Context Classification for Context-Aware Access Control
Session 7: Software and Systems security
Chair: Yoshiaki Hori (Saga University)
1. Gábor Pék, Andrea Lanzi, Abhinav Srivastava, Davide Balzarotti, Aurélien Francillon, Christoph Neumann.
On the Feasibility of Software Attacks on Commodity Virtual
Machine Monitors via Direct Device Assignment
2. Su Zhang, Xinwen Zhang, Xinming
After We Knew It: Empirical Study and Modeling of
Cost-effectiveness of Exploiting Prevalent Known Vulnerabilities Across IaaS Cloud
3. Markus Kammerstetter, Christian Platzer, Wolfgang Kastner.
PROSPECT - Peripheral Proxying Supported
Embedded Code Testing
4. Adonis P.H. Fung, Tielei Wang, K.W. Cheung,
T.Y. Wong.
Scanning of Real-world Web Applications for Parameter Tampering
June 6
Session 8: Applications 2
Chair: Daphne Yao (Virginia Tech)
1. Gianluca Stringhini,
Oliver Hohlfeld, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna.
The Harvester, the Botmaster, and the
Spammer: On the Relations Between the Different Actors in the Spam
2. Bisheng Liu, Urs Hengartner.
pTwitterRec: A
Privacy-Preserving Personalized Tweet Recommendation Framework
3. Jelena Isacenkova,
Davide Balzarotti.
Shades of Grey: A Closer Look at Emails in the Gray Area
Session 9: Authentication
Chair: Kui Ren (State University of New York)
1. Hongbo Liu, Yan Wang, Jian Liu, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen.
Practical User Authentication Leveraging Channel State Information
2. Chun Hu, Yousef Elmehdwi, Feng Li, Prabir Bhattacharya, Wei Jiang.
Two-Party Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication
3. Yan Li, Ke Xu, Qiang
Yan, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. Deng.
Understanding OSN-Based Facial Disclosure against Face
Authentication Systems
4. Hua Deng, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin, Sherman S. M.
Chow, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Wenchang
Tracing and Revoking Leaked Credentials: Accountability in Leaking
Sensitive Outsourced Data
5. Sebastian A. Mödersheim, Luca Viganò.
Sufficient Conditions for Vertical Composition of Security
Session 10: Android
Chair: Toshihiro Yamauchi (Okayama University)
1. Timothy Vidas, Nicolas Christin.
Evading Android Runtime Analysis via Sandbox Detection
2. Collin Mulliner, William Robertson, Engin Kirda.
An Automated Attack Against In-App Billing on Android
3. Min Zheng, Mingshen Sun, John C.S. Lui.
DroidRay: A
Security Evaluation System for Customized Android Firmwares
4. Wenbo Yang, Juanru
Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yong Li, Junliang Shu, Dawu Gu.
Tumor Payload Diagnosis and Purification for Android Applications
Session 11: Short 1 Network
Chair: Yuji Suga (Internet Initiative Japan
1. Benjamin Johnson, Aron Laszka, Jens Grossklags.
How Many Down? Toward Understanding Systematic Risk in Networks
2. Sebastien Gambs, Cristina Onete, Jean-Marc Robert.
Prover Anonymous and Deniable Distance-Bounding Authentication
3. Sascha Fahl, Yasemin Acar, Henning Perl,
Matthew Smith.
Why Eve and Mallory (Also) Love Webmasters - A Study on the Root
Causes of SSL Misconfigurations
4. Tiffany Hyun-Jin Kim, Colleen Stuart, Hsu-Chun Hsiao, Yue-Hsun Lin, Leon Zheng, Laura Dabbish,
Sara Kiesler.
Applying Feedback Loops to Improve Security Behavior of Managing Multiple
Session 12: Short 2 Software
Chair: Yuji Suga (Internet Initiative Japan
1. Jakub Szefer, Pramod
Jamkhedkar, Diego Perez-Botero,
Ruby Lee.
Cyber Defenses for Physical Attacks and Insider Threats in Cloud
2. Steven Van Acker, Nick Nikiforakis, Lieven Desmet, Frank Piessens, Wouter Joosen.
Monkey-in-the-browser: Malware and Vulnerabilities in Augmented
Browsing Script Markets
3. Kun Yang, Lujue Zhou, Yongke
Wang, Jianwei Zhuge, Haixin Duan.
Detecting Capability Leaks of Android Applications
4. Xingjie Yu, Zhan Wang, Kun Sun, Wen Tao Zhu,
Neng Gao, Jiwu Jing.
Remotely Wiping Sensitive Data on Stolen Smartphones
Kouichi Sakurai (PC Co-Chair)
Junhan Park, Keisuke Iwai, Hidema
Tanaka and Takakazu Kurokawa
Analysis of Slow Read DoS attack
Enkhbold Chimedtseren,
Keisuke Iwai, Hidema Tanaka and Takakazu Kurokawa
A study of IDS using Discrete Fourier Transform
Yang Li and Kazuo Sakiyama
Toward Practical Solution to Unsuccessful Write Operation on
Non-Volatile Memory of Passive RFID Tags
Dennis Kengo Oka, Camille Vuillaume, and Takahiro Furue
Vehicle ECU Hacking
Rong Hu, Kirill Morozov, Rui Zhang, and
Tsuyoshi Takagi
Confirmer Signatures from McEliece
Atsushi Takayasu and Noboru Kunihiro
Partial Key Exposure Attacks on RSA When Most Significant Bits of
d Known
Kuniyasu Suzaki,
Toshiki Yagi, Kazukuni
Kobara, Nobuko Inoue, and Tomoyuki
Virtual Jail Storage System which prevents information leakage
from client and server
Nuttapong Attrapadung,
Keita Emura, Goichiro Hanaoka, and
Yusuke Sakai
Revocable Group Signature with Constant-size Revocation List
Kazuma Ohara, Keita
Emura, Goichiro Hanaoka, Ai Ishida,
Kazuo Ohta, and Yusuke Sakai
A Scalable Group Signature Scheme with Revocation in the Random
Oracle Model
CHAN Sambathratanak and Nakamura
Exploring Cross-Site Scripting Attacks and Possible Defense
Yoichi Goto, HeeJeong
Lee, and Yasuhiro Nakamura
A Study of stepping stone detection method on observations of darknet
Yuji Suga
SSL/TLS servers status survey about enabling forward secrecy (+
rapid survey after the Heartbleed Bug)
Takuya Watanabe and Tatsuya Mori
Understanding consistency between words and actions for Android
Hee jeong
Lee, Yoichi Goto, and Yasuhiro Nakamura
NAT client detection using the key features of the packet header
Masaya Sato and Toshihiro Yamauchi
Mitigating Attacks Based on Process Identification by Disguising
Process Information
Yoshiaki Hori, Yaokai Feng, Akira
Nagata, Kohei Kotera,
and Katsuichi Nakamura
Traffic Anomaly Detection supporting M2M devices
Sanami Nakagawa, Keita Emura, Goichiro Hanaoka, Akihisa Kodate,
Takashi Nishide, Eiji
Okamoto, and Yusuke Sakai
Performance Evaluation of a Privacy-Enhanced Access Log Management
# Underlined authors are presenters.
June 3
Lunch Box (Sandwich) will be
served. Please have a lunch in the rooms of
the each Workshop. If you have informed us about dietary restrictions and
allergies in your registration, please pick up a special lunch box at the
reception desk in the lobby.
Welcome party
Small food snacks; canapes
and hors d'oeuvre are served.
Please enjoy it after the registration.
Room: AOI
June 5
Japanese traditional attraction is scheduled. We
hope you will have a nice time.
* A name tag for extra banquet will be handed for an accompanying person
at registration.
Room: AOI
June 4- 6
Lunch box will be served in the room for Lunch, i.e.
KURAMA and GION, on each day. It will be separately served for a person
who has informed us about his/her dietary restrictions and food allergies
in the registration.
Please pick it up at the reception desk in the lobby.